DUI Attorney

Driving Without License Arlington VA Lawyer

If you are charged with Driving Without License Arlington VA

Call and speak with an experienced lawyer at DSK Law. 703-248-0626

Our client was charged with Driving Without a License and Expired Registration in Arlington VA. Driving Without License is a class 2 misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $1000. Expired Registration is a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of up to $250. The DSK Law lawyer explained the circumstances to the prosecutor and the charges were dismissed.

Our client traveled from Florida to Arlington for business for 9 months. The car insurance company advised the client to transfer his insurance to Virginia. However, during this time the Florida DMV suspended the client’s license because it did not recognize the Virginia insurance. The client was not informed of the license suspension until being stopped by police in Arlington. We advised our client to transfer his license and registration to Virginia.

Prior to the court date we advised the prosecutor that all of the issues were fixed. We also advised the prosecutor that our client did not have notice of the suspension. Without proper notice the prosecutor cannot prove their case.

If you are charged with Driving Without a License in Arlington Va speak with an experienced lawyer at DSK Law. 703-248-0626